Jun 13Liked by Stephanie March

“Sorrow is the beginning of gratitude.” Love and grief are impossible to fully articulate, but you express them beautifully here. Thank you for sharing this heart-stretching true story of the wise and amazing woman who helped shape wise and amazing you. ❤️❤️

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Jun 14Liked by Stephanie March

You’re killin’ me.

Thank you for sharing.

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Jun 14Liked by Stephanie March

Feeling all the feels with your story as I had a similar journey with my mom and pancreatic cancer. Your words are beautifully written and eloquent, as always. Thank you for sharing your heart. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Stephanie March

Thank you for sharing this intimate account of your joint story. Your mother was unforgettable. You are equally amazing❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Stephanie March

💔💔💔I admire you!

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Jun 13Liked by Stephanie March


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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

You are brave and amazing and so much more to all of us lucky to know you. Thank you for sharing these unthinkable yet real and beautiful moments…

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

This is beautifully written and explored. Death is never clear-cut, and by sharing and processing we can only hope to grasp one more little sliver of what it means for us. Love you, friend.

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So many emotions surfaced reading your story. Mostly sorrow for you, admiration for her, and a little jealousy for the beautiful relationship you had. Thank you for sharing. It must have been difficult....I'm crying just writing this comment.

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

Your writing is so engaging, Steph. This one had me near tears at work (I should know better than read Substacks in my inbox!). Thanks for sharing your heart. I don't know that I could do this when my time comes to go through it. Hugs.

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

I love your stories. I am dreading the time of my life when this will inevitably happen with my mom.

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

Steph. First, wow, you had me in tears with that one. I so wish I knew your mom, the glorious warrior. I am eagerly awaiting tomorrow's story as I am about to embark (finally) on our family "spreading of my dad's ashes" this weekend and losing a parent is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Thank you for your vulnerability in your writing... such a gift to us all. xoxo

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

Thank you for this Stephanie. My mom is my best friend too. She was just diagnosed with Alzheimers at age 90. My greatest fear is that my mom slips away from me before I actually lose her. Your story helps. ❤️

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

Oh Steph. I've been thinking of you nonstop these last few weeks as the one year mark gets closer. Grief and love and sadness and joy are wrapped up together in a giant knot. Your words untangle it. I loved her through you for so many years, even though I never knew her well.

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Jun 12Liked by Stephanie March

Thank you, Stephanie. You tell stories so beautifully. This touched my heart. My Mom is 94 and slipping into dementia. I look forward to tomorrow’s story. ❤️

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This is sad and beautiful. I only wish I had told my mother what was in my heart before she died. I know she knew. I'm so happy your mother heard your words. ❤️

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